Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Creating a Professional Image Through Branding, Customer Relations and Yes, Envelopes

Are you "dressing for success?". The phrase may be a cliche but it's necessary to cultivate a professional demeanor that will represent your business well. But dressing for success can mean many different things to different companies. Depending on your type of business, as well as the image you'd like to create in the customer's mind, this phrase can mean several different things. This is where branding can help.

By creating a consistent voice throughout your entire business, you can reinforce your company's mission statement. This doesn't just mean throwing together a nice looking website with some well meaning prose. Branding should resonate throughout your marketing pieces, the way your employees act with customers, their uniforms and even your envelopes. Whether you're sending out customized envelopes as a bill, an appointment reminder or even just internally to your employees, no small detail should go overlooked when creating a consistent brand.

Branding is about more than just looking good in the eyes of the customer. By having the right attitude, as well as utilizing your resources as a business owner to create consistency you can alter the energy of your business, and that creative energy can have a tremendous positive effect on your employees and yourself.

Remember, a professional image isn't just wearing a suit and tie to work each day. Branding can also refer to the type of service your company offers. For instance, if speed is a benefit of your company, how can you showcase that to customers? More so than just professionalism, these are the type of things you need to take in to account. "dressing for success" means so much more than simply a sharp suit.

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